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Lowering impact on the environment - the time to act is now

The 30-day Sustain Ability challenge is back for its 3rd consecutive year. We're challenging individuals, families, schools, groups and businesses to lower their impact on the environment by making a sustainable switch every day throughout September.

This year the challenge goes online using Stickerbook software, where participants will have their own profile to complete actions and monitor their progress. Inside the platform there is video and written guidance to explore plastic free alternatives, local actions, ways to reduce waste, routes to being more energy efficient, going chemical free and reducing emissions.

For businesses, there’s also the opportunity to link up with colleagues and see the progress that has been made as a team, which may help support and contribute towards ESG objectives.

"I launched the project three years ago following 30 Bays in 30 days. I noticed that the Island had many fitness orientated challenges to raise money for worthy causes but there was nothing addressing sustainability or actions to protect the planet." - Kay Davidson, Project Lead.


The recent release of the UN’s IPCC report left chills down our spine, announcing a “code red” for climate change. Sadly, every country signed up to the Paris Agreement is currently failing to meet their targets. The development of new oil projects in the North Sea which are bypassing the UK’s “climate compatibility check point” are a perfect example of the misalignment and contradiction of these commitments.

Annual carbon concentration in the atmosphere is continuing to rise and on current trend we will push quickly past 1.5 oC. Our consumption and lifestyle habits cannot be sustained with deforestation, loss of biodiversity, loss of essential pollinators and pollution in our oceans, just some of the outfalls. Unless we step up and take significant action now to reduce our impact on the planet, it will become increasingly uninhabitable, with the rise in sea levels predicted to displace approximately 640 million people by 2100.

As global citizens we can all have an impact on making change happen, together, and have an incredible opportunity to turn this around. Whilst much of the impact may not seem significant currently to us here in the Bailiwick, we rely heavily on resources from foreign sources and have a responsibility to support them.

"Whilst the States of Guernsey have been proactive in adopting a Climate Change Policy and Action Plan and Strategy for Nature, these intentions only become meaningful when properly resourced and acted on. In light of the increasing evidence of the scale and pace of the problem, climate action needs to be central in every aspect of government's decision making." - Andrew Munro, Chairman of CET


Our impact around the world is significant when we stop and consider the source and origins of all we interact with in our daily lives. Whilst there’s more to becoming sustainable than using your own bag at the supermarket, every small step towards reducing carbon emissions and protecting our biodiversity is a step worth taking.

The challenge, designed with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in mind, is a practical tool and resource to make sustainable switches easier and more enjoyable. Participants can see their own progress as they collect a sticker for each sustainable action they achieve as well as why and how it contributes to the bigger picture.

This year taking the challenge online has also given us the opportunity to include questions for participants, which not only help raise awareness of the issue but will provide additional insight into how we as a community are doing our part to address climate change. We plan on diving deeper each month into several of the areas kick started by the challenge and continue to support participants on their sustainable journey.

"When walking along our beaches and picking microplastics out of the sand, I am constantly reminded of how things have gone horribly wrong. I am deeply concerned about how little action is being taken to reduce our impact on the environment, and the increasing threats of climate change." - Head of Operations, CET


The challenge will start on 1st September, however you can start your journey at any point throughout the month. Registration will stay open until the 30th.

Participants in the challenge will also have access to a downloadable PDF to have on their desktop and phone, which can be shared with friends, colleagues and relatives.

The challenges vary in complexity with gold, silver and bronze progress stickers to collect along the way, and although they are numbered 1-30, can be done in any order.

Links will be live on our website from the 1st. Pre-register by emailing

See how many you can achieve and share your journey with us on social media #maketheswitchgsy


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